Weaving the fabric of our lives - why doing little things matter

Weaving the fabric of our lives - why doing little things matter

Years ago, when I was going to group therapy on a weekly basis I told the group that I’d been knitting socks for everyone in my family, a big task, and I wanted to be done by Christmas.  I was knitting on the bus, anywhere I could find time. It was methodical and a bit mesmerizing. I know I looked pretty kooky too. I liked to think about the power of each stitch, that these little actions repeated would create something new.

 At that time in my life I was rebuilding almost everything. …

Making a big meal when you have no time OR… what I inherited from my Grandmother

Making a big meal when you have no time OR… what I inherited from my Grandmother

It’s fair to say I’ll do almost anything for butter. We got home late Sunday night after 10 days in Maine and about 12 hours of travel - car, then bus ride to Boston, then plane flight back to Seattle - it was a successful bout of travel because my low bar of “no bodily fluids” was met by all members of our family.